Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions

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Physical therapists (PTs) are the movement experts. PTs work with individuals of all ages to assist them with their mobility: enabling them to move through their environment with the most independence as possible. PTs treat individuals after surgery or after an injury to help improve their mobility through their rehabilitation process. PT services can address a variety of mobility concerns including weakness, decreased flexibility, poor posture, difficulty walking, decreased balance, and pain with movement.

When it comes to working with children, a physical therapist works on the same underlying deficits as they do when working with adults, but in the context of children’s mobility and movements.  In infants, physical therapists work on the infant’s gross motor skill development.  This means that PTs work with infants to help them in terms of learning how to move within their environment. This includes learning how to roll over, sit up, crawl, stand, walk, etc.

In older children, physical therapists continue to work on mobility—helping them run, jump, and play.  PTs can also address a variety of other movement concerns including coordination deficits, balance deficits, and decreased core strength.

Pediatric PTs will also treat children after injury and surgery, addressing the needs of the child to help them through their rehabilitation process. 

Physical evaluations and visits are provided in your home, school, neighborhood park or location of your choice in South Florida. Virtual physical therapy visits are available anywhere in the state of Florida. A Wellness consult and visit can be done virtually in the state of Florida or any other state.
FUNdamental Therapy is a private practice that does not contract with any commercial insurance programs. However it is a Broward Early Steps (Early Intervention) provider for children from Birth to 3 years old. We are also Gardiner Scholarship/STEP UP Florida Therapy provider and can bill directly for services. As an Out -of -Network therapy provider, Fundamental Therapy can assist you by providing you with a complete, detailed receipt for services that you can submit to your insurance carrier for reimbursement.
A typical evaluation takes between 45 to 60 minutes. During that time, a comprehensive history and physical assessment will be completed, questions will be answered and the start of a plan of care will be developed. After the initial evaluation, each child will be issued a customized home exercise program. Follow up treatment sessions will vary in length from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the child’s needs and tolerance.
There are many reasons why you might be seeking PT. If you notice that your child has a developmental delay or is not meeting his gross motor milestones, they will likely need a PT evaluation. They will also benefit from PT if they have had an injury or surgery, or falls often, has trouble walking, seems unbalanced or uncoordinated or complains of pain in the same body part.